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Monday, May 20, 2024

Solar Q&A: Is Solar Right for You?

Imagine the sun powering your home – a clean, sustainable source that not only reduces your carbon footprint but also saves you money. This is the promise of solar power, but most people need some questions answered about how solar works, or how many panels they will need to invest in, before they’re ready to make the leap. Seeing how large an array will be right for you requires a personalized assessment, and you’ll probably need to work with an advisor. But first, why solar?

When it comes to environmental benefits, the advantages of solar energy are remarkable. By transitioning to solar power, homeowners contribute to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, which helps to combat the ongoing climate crisis. Solar panels produce electricity without emitting harmful pollutants, and solar energy reduces our dependence on conventional power sources, promoting energy independence and mitigating the environmental impact of resource extraction.

Carbon Offset of a Home Solar System:

One of the key perks of adopting a home solar system is its carbon offsetting capabilities. Traditional energy sources like coal and natural gas release significant amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, contributing to global warming. On the other hand, solar energy systems generate electricity with minimal or zero emissions. Installing solar panels on your roof allows you to produce clean energy locally, reducing the demand for grid power generated from fossil fuels. This localized approach not only lessens your carbon footprint but also contributes to a more resilient and decentralized energy infrastructure.

As environmental consciousness becomes a household concept, solar power has increasingly become a source of interest for many. And while the dreaded monthly utility bill also continues to go up and up, many people wonder if solar could provide a way to lower their costs while also being kind to the planet.

Can I go solar?

The answer lies in a few simple qualifying questions: 

How sunny is your roof?

Solar energy is derived from the sun’s rays, a renewable resource that has been shining for billions of years – if your roof is sunny when it’s sunny out it’s likely that you could be saving with solar. If you have a lot of shade it’s harder to take advantage of solar, but not impossible. Understanding this lies in understanding how solar panels work: Solar panels react to photons in the sun’s rays to make usable electricity, but photons are also present in indirect light and even at nighttime. If your home is more on the shaded side you may still be able to see solar savings. In either case you’ll need a more personalized assessment to understand what solar could look like for you. 

What state are you in? 

It’s not just about which states are the sunniest! While the ITC Federal tax credit is for everyone, each state has provided different levels of funding towards residential solar and some towards solar batteries as well. While we all know California is taking steps towards onboarding as much solar as possible, states like Connecticut, Maryland, New Jersey, and Oregon have considerable incentives available. Check the rebates and installer availability in your state here. 

Do you own your home? 

Because solar panels are installed on your roof and should last for at least 25 years, you’ll usually want to own the structure they are being installed on. However, since solar panels are an investment similar in scope to a renovation or a new vehicle and the building will be benefiting from them long term, it’s sometimes worth asking the owner of the building if they would be willing to install solar panels. They might be a great candidate and you could be seeing a lower utility bill as well as helping your building go green! 

Embracing solar energy at home is not just a trend; it’s a powerful step towards a sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle. The environmental benefits, coupled with long-term cost savings, make solar power an attractive option for homeowners. By installing a solar system, you’re not just investing in your property; you’re investing in the planet’s future. Let’s take a collective stand for clean energy, reduce our carbon footprint, and create a more sustainable world. Take the first step – consider going solar, and let’s illuminate a brighter, greener tomorrow.

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