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​Understanding the Basics of Love Tarot Readings

Tarot cards are extremely powerful and often used as a complementary tool during psychic readings. They can help gain some insights into the present, meaning you’ll be able to make more informed decisions in the future, not to mention understanding your past.

Love tarot readings follow the exact same rules, only they assess your interpersonal connections. Not sure whether or not you two are on the right path? Uncertain about the future? Looking for love? Whatever your issue is, a professional interpretation can give you the right answer.

Love tarot readings will help you navigate the dating world with more self-confidence, understand and evaluate your emotions, and even improve a relationship that you’re in. Most people ask something about love in their tarot readings, so it’s a big thing these days. Here’s what you have to know.

Things you’ll learn in a love tarot reading

Love is blind, and your perspective is not always the right one. Even if it is, seeing things from a different point of view is definitely a helpful idea. You can be more objective about your relationship and perhaps identify potential flaws.

A love tarot reading will also give you more options. If you’re stuck in front of a few different options, a professional reading will allow you to evaluate them in a more effective manner. This way, you’ll be able to make a more informed decision, something that’s suitable for your personal goals.

Guidance is another reason wherefore more and more people turn to tarot cards. You’ll get advice from the universe, so you’ll be able to understand your inner self much better. You’ll also get a more creative approach towards your issues and questions.

Finally, a good reading will give you a deeper level of information, as well as a thorough insight.

With these thoughts in mind, here are three common spreads for free love tarot readings and how they work.

The three card spread

There are dozens of different spreads out there, but the three card spread is among the most popular ones. It’s simple and straightforward. They go in line, one next to the other. Prior to this spread, you’ll have to discuss with the psychic and express your concerns and questions.

Think about your relationship while cards are being shuffled, maybe make up a question in your mind, too.

The first card goes to the left. That represents you. The second card goes to the right, that’s your love interest. Finally, the third card goes in the middle, and it defines the dynamics of your relationship.

The reading will reveal the two people in a relationship and their roles, but it also shows how each of them works to make the relationship work. Obviously, this isn’t the type of spread used when you’re looking for love, but the one used when you’re in a relationship.

It will reveal a few details about the relationship and whether it’s working or not. It may sound dull, but think about it for a second. Once again, love is blind, so a relationship that may seem alright could actually hide a lot of toxic behavior that you just fail to see.

The cross spread

The cross spread is another popular choice, similar to the previous one, yet it offers more details about the dynamics of a relationship. It reveals five different cards, one in the middle and one on each side, looking just like a cross.

Again, you need to think about your relationship when the cards are shuffled. The first one goes to the left, the second one goes to the right. They define the roles of the partners, with the first card representing your particular case.

KOKET intuition table

The third card goes above, in the middle. This card analyzes the past. The fourth one goes in the middle, between the first two cards. It’s about the present. As for the fifth one, it goes under the fourth one and examines the future.

This type of reading goes in more directions and it’s often preferred by psychics helping people in difficult situations. That’s because it analyzes the relationship from more directions.

The compatibility spread

Unsure about your relationship? Having some doubts? Let your psychic know about them, and chances are they’ll rely on the compatibility spread, which reveals not less than seven different cards. It determines whether or not you and your partner are compatible and right for each other.

While mainly recommended when the relationship is in an incipient stage, the truth is it’s just as helpful later on.

It’s important to avoid using this spread too early in the relationship because you’ll miss all the fun parts. After all, part of the fun is discovering your partner and figuring out whether or not you, too, can go together.

Three cards go vertically in the middle, then there’s one to the left at the top, one to the left at the bottom, and the same for the right side.

The first cards at the top left and top right give you details about you and your partner. It shows what each of you wants from the relationship. The third card at the bottom left reveals the differences between you and your partner. On the other hand, the fourth card at the bottom right defines your similarities.

The fifth card at the top middle defines your emotional compatibility, while the sixth card in the center reveals the physical one. Finally, the seventh card at the bottom middle is about mental compatibility.

Final words

These are only the most popular tarot love spreads out there, but different psychics have different ways to determine your success in love. Keep in mind that based on your unique circumstances, spreads may vary widely.

For instance, there are spreads for people still looking for the love of their life, as well as spreads for people who are already in a relationship.It’s also important to understand that a tarot love reading provides some insights into your love life and relationship. It’s not fate, so you can still make the right decisions to push your life in the right direction.​ More different tarot readings you can find visiting Tarotoo.com.

Feature Image by petr sidorov | Unsplash

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